Redr Malaysia
Since 2008
Our Specialization
- Select, Train and Deploy
- Essentials of Humanitarian Practices
- Personal Security and Communication
About Redr Malaysia
Redr Malaysia was established on 31 January 2008 and is registered with the Registrar of Society Malaysia (Registration Number 0167-08-WKL).
The objective of Redr is to Select, Train and Deploy engineers and members to provide engineering services for disaster relief. The founder of Redr is Peter Guthrie and the idea for the formation of Redr actually came to him when he was assigned to work on Pulau Bidong, Malaysia in 1980 during the Vietnamese boat people crisis. He realised that there was a pressing need for various engineering inputs in disaster situations such as sanitation, water supply and infrastructure and thus the necessity to start a register of engineers (Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (Redr)) who could be called upon at short notice to work with frontline relief agencies.
The Royal Patron of Redr Malaysia is His Royal Highness, The Raja of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail.
Essentials of Humanitarian Practice (EHP) Training Course
The Essentials of Humanitarian Practice provides foundation knowledge for working within the modern humanitarian system and for responding to an international crisis that involves a global response. This course provides participants with an understanding of the complexity of the international relief system and the legal framework for humanitarian assistance. We introduce the characteristics of natural disasters and conflict-induced emergencies and the requirements for an effective humanitarian response, highlighting some of the dilemmas faced by humanitarians and aid workers. Participants will learn about the various United Nations agencies that respond to disasters and the roles these agencies play in coordinating responses for various sectors such as health, water and sanitation and logistics. They will discover how international non-government organisations work with these agencies to share information and data and to avoid duplication and ensure humanitarian aid reaches those who need it and doesn’t cause harm. Attendees are given an opportunity to put the knowledge gained into practice and to explore the team skills required to work effectively in the field.
Course Objectives
- A comprehensive overview of issues, systems and practice related to working in disasters and humanitarian emergencies.
- Increased depth of understanding of the context, history, foundations and new developments in humanitarian practice.
- An experience-based learning environment in which they can put their own skills and newly acquired knowledge into practice, as well as understand what humanitarian work is really like.
Course Modules
• The Humanitarian Story: a history of humanitarianism
• Diversity, Vulnerability and Capacity
• Working in Humanitarian Teams
• Introduction to Radio Usage
• National Context and Disaster Management
• International Humanitarianism and Law
• Coordination Structures and Response Processes
• Participation and Accountability
• Cash and Livelihoods
• Humanitarian Standards
• Quality Humanitarian Programming
• Settlement and Site Planning
• Ethics and Decision Making
• Information Management and Emergency Needs Assessment
• Media and Communications
• Technology and Future Challenges
• The Redr Australia Roster and Humanitarian Careers

Personal Security and Communication (PSC) Training Course
This is an intensive, dynamic course where you will discuss, learn and apply approaches and measures to improve your personal security when living and working in insecure environments. Personal Security for Humanitarians has been designed specifically from an NGO perspective to provide the most relevant and challenging training for NGO workers.
Essential theory learned in the classroom will immediately be put into practice in real-life simulation exercises, confronting key issues such as roadblocks, abduction, weapons, mines and crossfire. The course is designed to put you under stressful circumstances, preparing you for the worst case-scenario.
The course will introduce a variety of measures to help you reduce the likelihood of security-related incidents taking place and enable you to respond appropriately to situations that could compromise your safety and that of your colleagues.
The course now includes emergency first aid as an optional one day add-on.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
• Explain the importance of understanding your role and the security environment;
• Undertake a context analysis and a personal risk assessment;
• Demonstrate immediate responses to hostile environments;
• Effectively contribute to a security planning process;
• Describe measures to reduce personal and team vulnerability to a range of threats;
• Explain the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity, team working, interpersonal communications and how diversity impacts on security;
• Demonstrate immediate responses to threats in the operating environment
The Following are the Key Thematic Areas Participants Will Cover:
This is an intensive, dynamic course where you will discuss, learn and apply approaches and measures to improve your personal security when living and working in insecure environments. Personal Security for Humanitarians has been designed specifically from an NGO perspective to provide the most relevant and challenging training for NGO workers.
Essential theory learned in the classroom will immediately be put into practice in real-life simulation exercises, confronting key issues such as roadblocks, abduction, weapons, mines and crossfire. The course is designed to put you under stressful circumstances, preparing you for the worst case-scenario.
The course will introduce a variety of measures to help you reduce the likelihood of security-related incidents taking place and enable you to respond appropriately to situations that could compromise your safety and that of your colleagues.
The course now includes emergency first aid as an optional one day add-on.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
1. Context & Risk Assessment
2. Threat and Vulnerability
3. Developing Security Strategies
4. Personal Communication
5. Security Planning
6. Field Communication Equipment
7. Stress Management
8. Vehicles and Travel Security
9. Abduction, Detention & Kidnap